Glycolic acid, an alpha-hydroxy acid, is a common ingredient in many skincare products. This natural compound found in sugar cane and certain fruits have the ability to renew and rejuvenate tired and damaged skin through exfoliation. However, not all glycolic acid products are created equal. The main difference between products is the pH, which can be adjusted (buffered) or not (unbuffered).
In this blog post, we'll look at the differences between buffered and unbuffered glycolic acid, as well as why the type of glycolic acid you use matters for your skin.
What is Buffered Glycolic Acid?
Buffered glycolic acid is a type of glycolic acid in which the pH has been adjusted for a gentler, safer application to the skin. The buffering process improves the moisturising properties of the skincare product, making it less irritating and gentler on the skin. By adjusting the pH of the glycolic acid, the product is brought closer to the natural pH of human skin, reducing redness and discomfort during the exfoliation process. Furthermore, the buffered form of glycolic acid has a time-release quality, providing prolonged effectiveness for better results.
What is Unbuffered Glycolic Acid?
Unbuffered glycolic acid, on the other hand, is a type of glycolic acid in which the pH has not been adjusted. The pH of unbuffered glycolic acid is very low, below pH 2, making the product highly aggressive and potentially harmful to the skin. Unbuffered glycolic acid can cause redness and discomfort during the exfoliation process and is too harsh for many people to use. Unbuffered glycolic acid should only be applied by a skincare professional or dermatologist. Although unbuffered glycolic acid makes the exfoliation process more visible, it does not provide long-term effectiveness.
The Main Difference between Buffered and Unbuffered Glycolic Acid

The main distinction between buffered and unbuffered glycolic acid is the pH. Buffered glycolic acid has a pH of 2 to 4, making it gentler and safer to use on the skin. Unbuffered glycolic acid, on the other hand, has a pH of less than 2, making it highly aggressive and potentially harmful. The gentler, buffered form of glycolic acid provides long-lasting results, whereas the unbuffered form can cause skin irritation and only provides short-term results.
Why Choose Buffered Glycolic Acid?
The choice between buffered and unbuffered glycolic acid is obvious. Buffered glycolic acid is the safer, gentler option, providing long-lasting results without causing skin irritation. This type of glycolic acid is ideal for those who want to rejuvenate and renew their skin without the risk of redness, discomfort, or potential harm.
Finally, glycolic acid is a potent skincare ingredient capable of renewing and rejuvenating tired and damaged skin. When selecting a product containing glycolic acid, it is critical to consider the type of glycolic acid used. Buffered glycolic acid is the safer, gentler option, providing long-lasting results without causing skin irritation
Rare Lash Factory uses Skintuitive buffered peels for our enzyme and chemical peels (except the Jessner peel which is unbuffered). We chose buffered peels because of their superior long-term results. Aggressiveness does not always translate into better results. You can expect comparable results to unbuffered peels, but without the downtime.

We use unbuffered formulations for our lactic acid peels, as well as our pumpkin, papaya, and salicylic acid peels.
Make an appointment today and see the difference for yourself! Our skilled estheticians are ready to assist you in achieving the glowing, healthy skin you've always desired.
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